About HFNA
The Huntingtowne Farms Neighborhood Association supports efforts that make our neighborhood a desirable and safe place to live.

Our board and volunteers do this by:

Maintaining and beautifying our five entrances including plants, signage, and lighting.

Monitoring local infrastructure development and city and county decisions that could affect our property values. (This includes stewarding a sizeable fund that could be used to retain legal representation for our neighborhood, should the need arise.)

Spearheading neighborhood improvements such as adding speed humps to neighborhood streets and new playground equipment in Huntingtowne Farms Park.

Partnering with Huntingtowne Farms Elementary School to help improve students’ academic and social success. We also monitor countywide education issues and decisions that could affect where our children attend middle and high school.

Partnering with our local CMPD officers to keep our neighborhood safe and our residents aware of any criminal activity.  For more information about our Neighborhood Watch program, email watch@huntingtownefarms.com.

Creating a vibrant community of friends and neighbors by hosting events throughout the year, such as an Easter egg hunt, Fourth of July parade, a Halloween party for our littlest trick-or-treaters and Block Parties for all. (The neighborhood Ladies Club holds casual social gatherings every month or two. Join the Ladies Club Facebook group here.)

History of Huntingtowne Farms

Historical map of Huntingtowne Farms